Ensign Peak Mesh Testing May 24th or 26th

Hi All

We plan on doing mesh testing from ensign peak. Assuming the weather is good, we would like to run the test on may 24th, with a backup of the 26th (memorial day). We will start at about 9:00 AM. We hope to get as many involved as possible. Currently we are waiting on access to the ensign peak site. The test will consist of setting up a temporary node (running broadband hamnet 1.0.0 on channel 1) on ensign with an 8 dBi omni and no amplifiers. The temporary node will collect signal strength information from each node it sees using the mesh-server data collection script. We will use 147.600 – 100 (kd0j) SLCOARES repeater on Ensign Peak for voice communications. As the date nears we will update everyone interested in helping. If you are interested in helping, please add a comment to this post.

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