Welcome to the Wasatch Meshers site!

Who are we?
This site was created to be the focal point for ham radio mesh activity in the Utah Wasatch area. There are several groups in the Wasatch area working with mesh. Here you can find local news, events, and ways to get involved with mesh. We invite everyone to add their knowledge and experience to this site, so everyone can benefit, improve and expand the mesh network in the area.

What is Broadband-Hamnet?
Broadband-Hamnet™ (formerly called HSMM-Mesh™)  is a high speed, self discovering, self configuring, fault tolerant, wireless computer network that can run for days from a fully charged car battery, or indefinitely with the addition of a modest solar array or other supplemental power source. The focus is on emergency communications.

In its current form it is built using the Linksys WRT54G/GL/GS wireless routers and operates on channels 1-6 of the 2.4GHz ISM band, which overlaps with the upper portion of the 13cm amateur radio band. Other platforms and bands are in development at this time. Next will be Ubiquiti equipment with others supported as development resources permit. (Credited: broadband-hamnet.org)

When registering for an account you must use your true government-issued callsign as your username. After submitting your registration, follow the instructions sent to verify your email. Once verified you will receive a second email letting you know your account has been approved (usually within 24 hours.) Please change your password after logging in by going to your user profile. Thank you.